The Twin Hells; a thrilling narrative of life in the Kansas and Missouri penitentiaries by John N. Reynolds
page 15 of 202 (07%)
page 15 of 202 (07%)
I was next taken out of my cell to pass a medical examination. Dr.
Mooney, the gentlemanly officer in charge of the hospital, put in an appearance with a large book under his arm and sat down by a table. I was ushered into his presence. He began asking me questions, and wrote down my answers in his book, which proved to be the physician's register. "Have you any decayed teeth?" was his first question, "No, sir," was my reply. "Have you ever lost any teeth?" "No, sir." "Have you ever had the measles?" "Yes, sir." "Have you ever had the mumps?" "Yes, sir." "Have you ever had the chicken-pox?" "Yes, sir." "Have you ever had the thresh?" Well, I didn't know what was meant by the thresh. I knew that I had |