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Narrative and Lyric Poems (first series) for use in the Lower School by O. J. Stevenson
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The Narrative and Lyric Poems contained in this volume are those
prescribed by the Department of Education for examination for Junior
and Senior Public School Diplomas, and for the Senior High School
Entrance, and Entrance into the Model Schools. (Circular 58.)

In arranging the order of the poems, the Editor has taken into
consideration the character of the selections with the object both of
grading them in the order of increasing difficulty, and of securing
variety in the subjects treated. The teacher may, however, follow
his own judgment as to the order in which the poems should be taken
up in class.

In the annotations the chief points of difficulty have been
explained. In the case of a number of the poems, different editions
of the poets' works contain different readings. In such cases we
have followed the readings that are best known and that have been
recognized by the best authorities.


The Meeting of the Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moore
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