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Narrative and Lyric Poems (first series) for use in the Lower School by O. J. Stevenson
page 5 of 212 (02%)
[1] Avoca. A valley and river in the County of Wicklow, Ireland. The
name signifies "The Meeting of the Waters."


"Why weep ye by the tide, ladie?
Why weep ye by the tide?
I'll wed ye to my youngest son,
And ye sall[1] be his bride:
And ye sall be his bride, ladie, 5
Sae comely to be seen"--
But aye she loot[2] the tears down fa'
For Jock o' Hazeldean.

"Now let this wilfu' grief be done,
And dry that cheek so pale; 10
Young Frank is chief of Errington,
And lord of Langley-dale;
His step is first in peaceful ha',
His sword in battle keen"--
But aye she loot the tears down fa' 15
For Jock o' Hazeldean.

"A chain of gold ye sall not lack,
Nor braid to bind your hair;
Nor mettled hound, nor managed[3] hawk,
Nor palfrey fresh and fair; 20
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