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The Revelation Explained by F. G. (Frederick George) Smith
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main features have been outlined.

Feeling directed by the Lord to undertake this work and realizing the
greatness of the task, I have earnestly sought for divine wisdom and
guidance, and I humbly acknowledge his gracious assistance in its
prosecution; and while I can not indulge the hope that human fallibility
has been overcome, yet I firmly believe that a careful reliance upon the
Holy Spirit has been an effectual means of avoiding error and unfolding
many of the hitherto mysterious prophecies of this wonderful book. To
his worthy name I ascribe all praise and glory. The future, doubtless,
will witness a still greater development of this subject; for men of God
more worthy and possessing greater abilities will arise, who, beginning
where we have left off, will continue its investigation and throw upon
it additional light as yet unrevealed.

That the Lord will bless The Revelation Explained to the good of his
church upon earth and grant it a place, however small, in the cause of
present truth, is my earnest prayer.

Yours in Christ,
F.G. Smith.
_Grand Junction, Mich., June 26, 1906_.


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