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The Charm of Oxford by Joseph Wells
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"Much have ye suffered from time's gnawing tooth,
Yet, O ye spires of Oxford domes and towers,
Gardens and groves, your presence overpowers
The soberness of reason."

[Plate 1. Christ Church : The Cathedral from the Garden]



There are many books on Oxford; the justification for this new one is
Mr. Blackall's drawings. They will serve by their grace and charm
pleasantly to recall to those who know Oxford the scenes they love;
they will incite those who do not know Oxford to remedy that defect
in their lives.

My own letterpress is only written to accompany the drawings. It is
intended to remind Oxford men of the things they know or ought to
know; it is intended still more to help those who have not visited
Oxford to understand the drawings and to appreciate some of the
historical associations of the scenes represented.

I have written quite freely, as this seemed the best way to create
the "impression" wished. I have to acknowledge some obligations to
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