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ABC's of Science by Charles A. (Charles Alexander) Oliver
page 11 of 17 (64%)
Vegetable matter began to flourish as its semen became concentrated,
likewise animal matter. (This takes place to-day in different ways,
principally in Marine varites. See Chap. I, par. 6.)

Reproductions in all families that flourish; some families mix and
their offspring will not reproduce. (Life cannot be destroyed, but
flourishment can.)

Man came from deposits of protoplasm (semen) as is produced for
reproduction of man to-day. The deposits were of different kinds;
each deposit brought forth its own branch of humanity, these branches
being of different type and tongue. Later the tongue of one branch
became learned by the other. From the different original tongues will
give us a good estimate of deposits in number.

Babies were nourished in the protoplasm deposits the same as they are
in their mother's womb. This nourishment came from the abundance of
albumen which accompanied the semen in concentrating. As the babies
matured they broke the crust of the deposit of protoplasm and put
forth their heads and breathed the air; their bodies still remained in
the albumen until they gained strength to feed themselves on the
albumen. Here the babies broke the cord (navel cord) that brought
nourishment into their bodies, as in the womb of a mother, and crawled
around over the crust of the deposit where they came, feeding on its
crust by putting it into their mouths. The babe has not forgotten it
yet, as everything he gets that he can handle goes to his mouth. He
learned to walk and talk to his brothers and sisters, and composed a
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