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ABC's of Science by Charles A. (Charles Alexander) Oliver
page 13 of 17 (76%)

Every animal has its own magnetism which is its source of strength and
intelligence. The glands, nerves, and ducts are batteries, ducts and
glands storage batteries, the nerves motive and sensation (or
intelligence). The brain is the principal battery of sensation (or
intelligence), while the heart is the principal motive battery.

The child begins to train himself to make use of his limbs, first by
swinging his arms and legs, second by creeping, third by walking.
Note a child feeding itself, how unsteady he is in getting his food to
his mouth; sometimes his spoon misses his mouth and the food is
spilled, for which he usually receives a slap, although he has
displayed all his energy in getting his food in his mouth. Next we
find him a trained athlete and skilled laborer, capable of applying
himself to most anything he cares to do.

But little attention is paid to the training of animal magnetism. Any
one with nerves in his teeth can concentrate magnetism in the teeth,
so it can be easily felt, also the lips; by training the magnetism it
can be concentrated in any part of the body. This takes constant
practice and could be used when one has any disability by
concentrating the magnetism in the disabled part, causing the blood to
circulate more freely at the point where the magnetism is
concentrated, and thus improving the disabled part. The osteologist
does this by massage, the real faith cure man by concentrating his
magnetism on the patient, the practitioner uses medicine and drugs,
each having their own magnetism, etc. Accordingly many diseases are
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