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Hymns and Spiritual Songs by Isaac Watts
page 1 of 445 (00%)
Corrall of 38 Charing Cross, London.

The "Index" and the "Table of the Scriptures that are Turned into
Verse" are retained, and can be found at the end of the text. The
"Table to find any Hymn by the first Line," however, has been
omitted for the following reasons:
1. It refers to page numbers that are here expunged; and
2. In this electronic version first lines can be easily
located via searches.

There are 3 books of hymns, and numbers have been added to indicate
in which of these the hymns are placed. For example, "2:38" refers
to "Book 2, Hymn Number 38," and so on.

Throughout, modern numerals have been substituted for their Roman


The following extracts from the Doctor's preface contain the
substance of his plan in the three different parts into which the
Hymns are divided; the whole would have exceeded the limits of a
small book.

"Far be it from my thoughts to lay aside the Book of Psalms in
public worship; few can pretend so great a value for them as
myself: it is the most noble, most devotional and divine collection
of poesy; and nothing can be supposed more proper to raise a pious
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