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Scientific American Supplement, No. 803, May 23, 1891 by Various
page 2 of 143 (01%)
The new telescope recently put in use in Paris.--Description of
the instrument and of its effects.--3 illustrations

II. CHEMISTRY.--An Apparatus for Heating Substances in Glass
Tubes under Pressure.--By H. PEMBERTON, Jr.--A simple apparatus
for effecting this purpose, avoiding risk of personal injury.--
2 illustrations

Table of Atomic Weights.--A revised table of atomic weights,
giving the results of the last determinations, and designed for
every-day use

Testing Cement.--A laboratory process for testing Portland cement

III. CIVIL ENGINEERING.--The Compressed Air System of Paris.
--An elaborate review of this great installation for the transmission
of power.--The new compressed air station, with full details
of performances of apparatus, etc.--10 illustrations

IV. ENTOMOLOGY.--Report on Insects.--Continuation of this report
on noxious insects.--Their habits and how to cope with them.
--18 illustrations

V. FLORICULTURE.--Lily of the Valley.--Practical notes on the
cultivation of this popular flower.--How to raise it and force the

VI. MATHEMATICS.--The Conic Sections.--By Prof. C.W.
MACCORD.--Examination of the four conic sections with a general
definition applicable to all.--6 illustrations
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