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Notes and Queries, Number 36, July 6, 1850 by Various
page 25 of 66 (37%)
abrupt retreat into that country. It is stated that the letter comes
from Mr. Bentley's collection.

The Earl of Norwich was in Flanders in November 1569, and accompanied
the Dukes of York and Gloucester from Brussels to Breda. (Carte's
_Letters_, ii. 282.)


If the following account of the Goring family given by Banks (_Dormant
and Extinct Peerage_, vol. iii. p. 575.) is correct, it will appear that
the father and both his sons were styled at different times. "Lord
Goring," and that they may very easily be distinguished.

"George Goring, of Hurstpierpont, Sussex, the son of George
Goring, and Anne his wife, sister to Edward Lord Denny,
afterwards Earl of Norwich, was created Baron Goring in the
fourth of Charles I., and in the xx'th of the same reign
advanced to the earldom of Norwich, which had become extinct by
the death of his maternal uncle above-mentioned, S.P.M.

"He betrayed Portsmouth, of which he was governor, to the king,
and rendered him many other signal services. He married Mary,
one of the daughters of Edward Nevill, vi'th Baron of
Abergavenny, and had issue four daughters, and two sons, the
eldest of whom, George, was an eminent commander for Charles I.,
and best _known as 'General Goring_,' and who, after the loss of
the crown to his royal master, retired to the Continent, and
served with credit as lieutenant-general to the King of Spain.
He married Lettice, daughter of Richard Earl of Cork, and died
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