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Notes and Queries, Number 36, July 6, 1850 by Various
page 30 of 66 (45%)
pity on the natural curiosity of the sex, by furnishing its details?


_Jewish Music_.--What was the precise character of the _Jewish music_,
both before and after David? And what variety of musical instruments had
the Jews?


_The Plant "Haemony_."--Can any of your readers furnish information of,
or reference to the plant _Haemony_, mentioned in Milton's _Comus_, l.

"--a small unsightly root,
But of divine effect,...
The leaf was darkish, and had prickles on it,
But in another country, as he said,
_Bore a bright golden flower, but not in this soil:_
--More medicinal is it than that Moly,
That Hermes once to wise Ulysses gave;
He called it _Haemony_, and gave it me,
And bade me keep it as of sov'reign use
'Gainst all enchantments," &c. &c.

The Moly that Hermes to Ulysses gave, is the wild garlick, [Greek: molu]
by some thought the wild rue. (_Odyss_. b. x. 1. 302.) It is the [Greek:
moluza] of Hippocrates, who recommends it to be eaten as an antidote
against drunkenness. But of _Haemony_ I have been unable to find any
reference among our ordinary medical authorities, Paulus Aeginata,
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