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Notes and Queries, Number 36, July 6, 1850 by Various
page 32 of 66 (48%)
an equestrian statue of a French king attended by the Virtues being
erected in Paris:--

"O la belle statue! O le beau Piedestal!
Les Vertus sont à pied, le Vice est à cheval!"


_Lux Fiat_.--Who was the first Christian or Jewish writer by whom _lux
fiat_ was referred to the creation of the _angels_?


_Hiring of Servants_.--At Maureuil, in the environs of Abbeville, a
practice has long existed of hiring servants in the market-place on
festival days. I have observed the same custom in various parts of
England, and particularly in the midland counties. Can any of your
correspondents inform me of the origin of this?



_Book of Homilies_.--Burnet, in his _History of the Reformation in anno
1542_, says,--

"A Book of Homilies was printed, in which the Gospels and Epistles of
all the Sundays and Holidays of the year were set down with a _Homily to
every one of these_. To these were also added Sermons upon several
occasions, as for _Weddings_, _Christenings_, and _Funerals_."
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