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Notes and Queries, Number 36, July 6, 1850 by Various
page 42 of 66 (63%)
Coventry, in a drunken frolic with the young Duke of Albemarle
and others, deliberately kills a ward-beadle. Charles, to save
his son, pardoned all the murderers."

The date given in the _State Poems_ is Sunday
morning, Feb. 26th, 1670-71. Mr. Lister, in his
_Life of Edward, Earl of Clarendon_ (vol. ii. p. 492.),
alludes to the affair:--

"The King's illegitimate son Monmouth, in company with the young
Duke of Albemarle and others, kills a watchman, who begs for
mercy, and the King pardons all the murderers."

C.H. Cooper

Cambridge, June 24, 1850.

_Bishops and their Precedence_ (Vol. ii., p. 9.).--I believe bishops
have their precedence because they are both _temporal_ and _spiritual_
barons. Some I years ago, I took the following note from the
_Gentleman's Mag_. for a year between 1790 and 1800; I cannot say
positively what year (for I was very young at the time, and
unfortunately omitted to "note" it):--

"Every Bishop has a temporal barony annexed to his see. The
Bishop of Durham is Earl of Sudbury and Baron Evenwood; and the
Bishop of Norwich is Baron of Northwalsham."

Query, where may the accounts of the respective baronies of the
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