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Notes and Queries, Number 36, July 6, 1850 by Various
page 49 of 66 (74%)
act or injunction on the subject. If any of your readers can supply such
a document, it would be extremely interesting and useful.



_Monastery, Arrangement of one_ (Vol. i., p. 452.),--A.P.H., who
requests any information respecting the extent, arrangement, and uses of
a monastic building, has doubtless consulted Fosbroke's _British



_Churchyards, Epitaphs_ (Vol. ii., p. 56.).--I beg to submit the
following observations in answer to the Queries under this head.

Fairs, and also markets, were held in churchyards until put a stop to in
1285 by an enactment in the 13 Edw. I. c. 6:--

"E communde le rey e defend qe feire ne marche ne seient tenuz
en cimeter pur honur de seint eglise."

Previous to the passing of this act, the king had forbidden the keeping
of Northampton fair in the church or churchyard of All Saints in that
town; and Bishop GrostĂȘte, following the monarch's example, had sent
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