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Notes and Queries, Number 36, July 6, 1850 by Various
page 52 of 66 (78%)

_Lady Slingsby_ (Vol. ii., p. 71.).--She was a professional actress, who
played under the name of _Mrs_. (probably _Miss_) _Mary Lee_, from about
1672 to 1680, after which date she is called _Lady_ {94} _Slingsby_, and
she played under this title for about five years, when she seems to have
quitted the stage. She survived her husband, for "Dame Mary Slingsby,
_widow_, of St. James's parish, was buried at Pancras, 1st of March,


_Meaning of "Bawn"_ (Vol. i., p. 60.).--The poet Campbell uses the word
_bawn_ as follows:--

"And fast and far, before the star
Of day-spring, rush'd we through the glade,
And saw at dawn the lofty _bawn_
Of Castle-Connor fade."

_O'Connor's Child_.


_Chantrey's Sleeping Children_ (Vol. ii., p. 70.)--Your correspondent
PLECTRUM is anxious to know on what grounds I attribute to Stothard any
part of the design of the monument in Lichfield Cathedral known as
Chantrey's "Sleeping Children?" I will endeavour to satisfy him.

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