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Notes and Queries, Number 36, July 6, 1850 by Various
page 59 of 66 (89%)


Letters, stating particulars and lowest price, _carriage free_, to be
sent to MR. BELL, Publisher of "NOTES AND QUERIES", 186. Fleet street.

* * * * *

Notices to Correspondents

VOLUME THE FIRST, _Complete with Index, may now be had, price 9_s_.
6_d_., bound in cloth_. THE INDEX, _published last week, is, we trust,
sufficiently full to satisfy to the utmost the wishes of our
Subscribers. We feel that, if called upon at any time to establish the
utility of_ NOTES AND QUERIES, _we may confidently point to the Index as
a proof that the Literary Inquirer, be his particular branch of Study
what it may, will not search in vain in our pages for valuable Notes and
Illustrations of it.

Answers to several correspondents in our next_.

Errata. No. 34. p. 60., for "D_o_lort" read "D_e_lort," and for
"Triar_mum_" , read "Triar_num_". No. 35. p. 75. in the article on
"Carucate of Land" for "acre", read "acras", and for "B_oe_julia", read
"B_a_julia". The articles "God Save the Queen," p. 71., and "Royal and
Distinguished Interments", p. 79., should have been subscripted "F.K."
instead of "J.H.M." {96}

* * * * *

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