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Notes and Queries, Number 36, July 6, 1850 by Various
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ORIGENIS Opera Omnia, Ed. De la Rue, 4 vols. folio 12 12 0

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Now Publishing, The Churches of the Middle Ages. By HENRY BOWMAN and
JOSEPH S. CROWTHERS, Architects, Manchester. To be completed in Twenty
Parts, each containing Six Plates, Imperial Folio. Issued at intervals
of two months. Price per Part to Subscribers. Proofs, large paper,
10_s_. 6_d_.; Tinted, small paper, 9_s_.; Plain, 7_s_. 6_d_. Parts 1 to
8 are now published, and contain illustrations of Ewerby Church,
Lincolnshire; Temple Balsall Chapel, Warwickshire; and Heckington
Church, Lincolnshire.

"Ewerby is a magnificent specimen of a Flowing Middle-Pointed Church. It
is most perfectly measured and described: one can follow the most
recondite beauties of the construction, mouldings and joints, in these
Plates, almost as well as in the original structure. Such a monograph as
this will be of incalculable value to the architects of our Colonies or
the United States, who have no means of access to ancient churches. The
Plates are on stone done with remarkable skill and distinctness. Of
Heckington we can only say that the perspective view from the south-east
presents a very vision of beauty; we can hardly conceive anything more
perfect. We heartily recommend this series to all who are able to
patronize it." --_Ecclesiologist_ Oct. 1849.

London. GEORGE BELL., 186. Fleet Street

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