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Notes and Queries, Number 38, July 20, 1850 by Various
page 27 of 67 (40%)
several marginal notes in his handwriting; from this and some
loose and unconnected papers of Mr. Peck.... the editor, as well
as he was able, has made out the foregoing memoirs."

Can any of your numerous correspondents inform me if this "antient MS."
is still in existence, and in whose possession?

Peckard was related to the Ferrars, and was Master of Magdalen Coll.,

In "A Catalogue of MSS. (once) at Gidding," Peckard, p. 306., the third
article is "Lives, Characters, Histories, and Tales for moral and
religious Instruction, in five volumes folio, neatly bound and gilt, by
Mary Collet." This work, with five others, "undoubtedly were all written
by N. Ferrar, Sen.," says Dr. Peckard; and in the Memoir, at page 191.,
he gives a list of these "short histories," ninety-eight in number,
"which are still remaining in my possession;" and adds further, at p.

"These lives, characters, and moral essays would, I think, fill
two or three volumes in 8vo., but _they are written in so
minute_ a character, that I cannot form any conjecture to be
depended upon."

I have been thus particular in describing these "histories", because the
subjects of them are identical with those in Fuller's _Holy and Profane
State_, the first edition of which was published at Cambridge, in 1642.
"The characters I have conformed," says Fuller in his Preface, "to the
then standing laws of the realm (a twelvemonth ago were they sent to the
press), since which time the wisdom of the King and state hath" altered
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