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Notes and Queries, Number 38, July 20, 1850 by Various
page 40 of 67 (59%)

There is also a good article on these letters in a very excellent work
entitled _Analectabiblion_, or _Extraits Critique de divers Livres
rares, &c., tiréz du Cabinet du Marq. D. R. (oure)_. Paris, 1836. 2
tomes 8vo.


_Epistolæ Obscurorum Virorum_.--The article inquired for by H.B.C. (Vol.
ii, p. 55) is probably one in the _Edinburgh Review_, vol. liii. p.
180., attributed to Sir William Hamilton, the distinguished Professor of
Logic in the university of Edinburgh.


* * * * *


(Vol. ii., p. 99.)

Mr. Rimbault is wrong in giving to Abbot Milling the honour of being the
patron of Caxton, which is due to Abbot Esteney. Mr. C. Knight in his
_Life of Caxton_, which appropriately formed the first work of his
series of _Weekly Volumes_, has the following remarks upon the passage
from Stow, quoted by Mr. Rimbault:

"The careful historians of London here committed one error; John
Islip did not become abbot of Westminster till 1500. John
Esteney was made abbot in 1474, and remained such until his
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