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Honoring Parents by Anonymous
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cheerful and prompt obedience to all their commands. This is one way in
which parents should be honored continually.

But there is another way by which you may not only show that you feel
respect for your father and mother yourself, but you may force others to
feel the same respect for them.

That you may understand what I mean, I will tell you a story of a little
boy who, for _once_, at least in his life, honored his mother. This
was not by any command, however, for she was not with him at the time,
and I do not suppose that she ever heard of the circumstance which I am
about to tell you.

One morning, a teacher entered her school of about sixty children,
accompanied by another young lady,--her friend. The children did not
cluster around as thickly as usual. Some quietly took their seats; and
others, disliking the restraint of a stranger's presence, ran into the
play-ground. But nine o'clock soon came; and the teacher, having
conducted her friend to a seat where she might observe what passed
around her, rang a small bell, and the seats were soon filled with rosy
cheeks and smiling countenances. The morning hymn was sung, and then all
knelt to implore the blessing of him who loved little children when he
was in the world, and who loves them no less now he is in heaven. They
rose from their knees; and soon the teacher was busied with classes, and
the children who could study, with their books.


Miss H. (the stranger) soon became interested in watching the movement
of six or eight little boys, of four years old, who occupied a low bench
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