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A Librarian's Open Shelf by Arthur E. Bostwick
page 14 of 335 (04%)

Men 6 64 10 .. .. .. 37 20 3 1 9 4 154
Boys 38 63 28 .. 4 3 9 6 5 .. .. 3 159
Women 12 67 14 4 .. .. 20 21 2 1 2 5 148
Girls 33 69 34 .. .. .. 5 3 3 .. .. 2 149
Total 89 263 86 4 4 3 71 50 13 2 11 14 610

Col. A: Sent or Told by Teacher
Col. B: Sent or Told by Friend
Col. C: Sent or Told by Relative
Col. D: Sent or Told by Clergyman
Col. E: Sent or Told by Library Assistant
Col. F: Through Reading Room
Col. G: Saw Building
Col. H: Saw Sign
Col. I: Saw Library Books
Col. J: Saw Bulletin
Col. K: Saw Article in Paper
Col. L: Sought Library

It will be seen that the vast majority of those questioned were led to the
library by some circumstance other than the simple desire to find a place
where books could be obtained. Of more than six hundred persons whose
answers are here recorded only fourteen found the library as the result of
a direct search for it prompted by a desire to read. In a majority of the
other cases, of course, perhaps in all of them, the desire to read had its
part, but this desire was awakened by hearing a mention of the library or
by seeing it or something connected with it. These determining
circumstances fall into two classes, those that worked through the ear and
those that operated through the eye.
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