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Scientific American Supplement, No. 795, March 28, 1891 by Various
page 2 of 136 (01%)
II. BIOGRAPHY.--N.F. Burnham and his Life Work.--By W.H. BURNHAM.
--The life of one of the earliest turbine wheel manufacturers,
an inventor of turbine wheels and auxiliary machinery.
--1 illustration

III. BOTANY.--The Source of Chinese Ginger.--An identification of
a long unknown plant

IV. CIVIL ENGINEERING.--A Railway through the Andes.--An
interesting enterprise now in progress in South America, with
maps.--2 illustrations

Chicago as a Seaport.--Proposed connection of Chicago with the
waters of the Mississippi River, thereby placing it in water
communication with the sea.--2 illustrations

Floating Elevator and Spoil Distributor.--A machine for removing
dredged material from barges, as employed on the Baltic Sea
Canal Works.--10 illustrations

V. ELECTRICITY.--Alternate Current Condensers.--A valuable review
of the difficulties of constructing these condensers.--An important
contribution to the subject.--1 illustration

Electricity in Transitu.--From Plenum to Vacuum.--By Prof.
WILLIAM CROOKES.--Continuation of this important lecture with
profuse illustrations of experiments.--14 illustrations

The Telegraphic Communication between Great Britain,
Europe, America, and the East.--By GEORGE WALTER NIVEN.--
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