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The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 17, No. 470, January 8, 1831 by Various
page 13 of 56 (23%)
third son, Lionell of Antwerp, Duke of Clarence, in 1362. His first
wife was Elizabeth of Clare, daughter of William De Burgh, Earl of
Ulster; she died in 1363. His second wife was Violante, daughter of
the Duke of Milan. He died in Italy, 1370.

Clarencieux, the second king-at-arms, so called by Lionell, who first
held it. King Henry IV. created his second son, Thomas of Lancaster,
to the earldom of Albemarle and duchy of Clarence. He was slain in
Anjou, in 1421.

The third duke was the second son of Richard of Plantagenet, Duke of
York, George Duke of Clarence, in Suffolk. He was accused of high
treason, and was secretly suffocated in a butt of Malmsley, or sack
wine, in a place called Bowyer Tower, in the Tower of London, 1478, by
order of his brother, King Edward IV.

The fourth duke. There was an interregnum of 311 years before another
Duke of Clarence. George III. created his third son, William Henry, to
the duchy of Clarence, August 16, 1789. The only Duke of Clarence who
ever was raised to the throne is King William IV. of England.


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