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The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 17, No. 470, January 8, 1831 by Various
page 25 of 56 (44%)
ordered to be annually celebrated by the Athenians.

Cæsar mentions the English cocks in his Commentaries; but the earliest
notice of cock-fighting in England, is by Fitzstephen the monk, who
died in 1191.

_St. George._

Why is St. George the patron saint of England?

Because, when Robert, Duke of Normandy, the son of William the
Conqueror, was fighting against the Turks, and laying siege to the
famous city of Antioch, which was expected to be relieved by the
Saracens, St. George appeared with an innumerable army, coming down
from the hills, all clad in white, with a red cross on his banner, to
reinforce the Christians. This so terrified the infidels that they
fled, and left the Christians in possession of the town.--_Butler._

Why is St. George usually painted on horseback, and tilting at a
dragon under his feet?

Because the representation is emblematical of his faith and fortitude,
by which he conquered the devil, called the dragon in the

Why was the Order of the Garter instituted?

Because of the victory obtained over the French at the battle of
Cressy, when Edward ordered his garter to be displayed as a signal of
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