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The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 17, No. 470, January 8, 1831 by Various
page 28 of 56 (50%)
birds is much influenced by the state of the air." Dr. F. also
mentions, "that cocks began to crow during the darkness of the eclipse
of the sun, Sept. 4, 1820; and it seems that _crepusculum_ (or
twilight) is the sort of light in which they crow most."

_Goes of Liquor._

Why did tavern-keepers originally call portions of liquor "goes?"

Because of the following incident, which, though unimportant in
itself, convinces us how much custom is influenced by the most
trifling occurrences:--The tavern called the Queen's Head, in
Duke's-court, Bow-street, was once kept by a facetious individual of
the name of Jupp. Two celebrated characters, Annesley Spay and Bob
Todrington, a sporting man, meeting one evening at the above place,
went to the bar, and each asked for half a quartern of spirits, with a
little cold water. In the course of time, they drank four-and-twenty,
when Spay said to the other, "Now we'll go."--"O no," replied he,
"we'll have another, and then go."--This did not satisfy the gay
fellows, and they continued drinking on till three in the morning,
when both agreed to GO; so that under the idea of going, they made a
long stay. Such was the origin of drinking, or calling for, _goes_.

Why was the celebrated cabinet council of Charles II. called the

Because the initials of the names of the five councillors formed that
word, thus--
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