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The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 17, No. 470, January 8, 1831 by Various
page 48 of 56 (85%)

Spawn of fish, minute _mollusca_, the small classes of _squilla_ and
_cancer_, are known to voyagers as causing a discolouration of the sea
in particular places. Patches and lines of these are often seen within
the tropics, of a brown colour, and sometimes of a yellow, and of a
red shade, floating upon the surface of the ocean, which, to those
unused to such sights, are considered as indications of danger
beneath. I met with two patches of this description lately in the
Torrid Zone, but the captain being familiar with such instances,
sailed through them without apprehension. The first consisted of
myriads of small orbicular _medusæ_, about the size of a pea, of a
purple hue; the other patch of a reddish-brown colour, was produced by
small _mollusca_, the size of a needle, and about a _line_ in length.

* * * * *


A snapper up of unconsidered trifles.


The following is on a violin maker's sign-board, at Limerick:--"New
Villins mad here and old ones rippard, also new heads, ribs, backs,
and bellys mad on the shortest notice. N.B. Choes mended, &c.
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