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The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 17, No. 470, January 8, 1831 by Various
page 50 of 56 (89%)

Perceiving that you sometimes admit curious and eccentric epitaphs
into your very amusing and instructive periodical, if the enclosed is
worthy a place, it at least has this merit, if no other, that it is a
_literal_ copy, from a tombstone in St. Edmund's churchyard, Sarum:--

_In Memory of 3 Children of Joseph and Arabella Maton, who all died in
their Infancy, 1770._


Innocence Embellishes Divinely Compleat
To Prescience Coegent Now Sublimely Great
In the Benign, Perfecting, Vivifying State.


So Heavenly Guardian Occupy the Skies
The Pre-Existent God, Omnipotent Allwise
He can Surpassingly Immortalize thy Theme
And Permanent thy Soul Celestial Supreme.


When Gracious Refulgence, bids the Grave Resign
The Creators Nursing Protection be Thine
Thus each Perspiring Æther will Joyfully Rise
Transcendantly Good Supereminently Wise.

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