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The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 17, No. 470, January 8, 1831 by Various
page 53 of 56 (94%)
guardians of the poor, 'to ease the inhabitants in their poor-rates
for ever.' This valuable legacy amounting to 653_l._ per annum was
subject to the life of the housekeeper of the testator, so that it was
not till 1786 that it reverted to the city."--This is even better than
the plan for snuff-takers paying off the national debt.

* * * * *


Preston is a market-town, borough, and parish; situated on the river
Ribble, in the hundred of Amounderness, county palatine of Lancaster.
It was incorporated by Henry II., in 1160; and the privileges and free
customs granted by this and subsequent royal grants were confirmed by
Charter of 36th Charles II. The body corporate consists of a mayor,
recorder, seven aldermen, and seventeen capital burgesses, who,
together, form the common council of the borough. The mayor, two
town-bailiffs, and two sergeants are elected annually, upon the Friday
preceding the festival of St. Wilfrid, who was formerly lord of this
town; and they are invested, on the 12th of October following, by a
jury of twenty-four guild burgesses. The members of the council, with
the exception of the mayor, retain their seats for life, or during the
pleasure of a majority, and vacancies are supplied by the remaining
members. The town sends two representatives to parliament, and affords
the nearest practical example of universal suffrage in the
kingdom--every male inhabitant, whether housekeeper or lodger, who has
resided six months in the town, and who has not, during the last
twelve months, been chargeable to any township as a pauper, having a
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