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Mary at the Farm and Book of Recipes Compiled during Her Visit - among the "Pennsylvania Germans" by Edith M. Thomas
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Which placed me in a family always late
For meals; to do the sewing, mending and
The thousand small things always near at hand,
And do them always with a cheerful heart,
Because in life they seem to be my part;
To know the place of everything and keep
It there, to think, to plan, to cook, to sweep,
To brew, to bake, to answer questions,
To be the mainspring of the family clock.
(Or that effect) and see that no tick, tock
Is out of time or tune, or soon or late,
This is the only symphony which I
Can ever hope to operate."



I Mary's Letter Received at Clear Spring Farm

II Mary's Arrival at the Farm

III Schuggenhaus Township

IV John Landis

V The Old Farm-House and Garden
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