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Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and - Topographical with Notices of Its Natural History, Antiquities and - Productions, Volume 1 (of 2) by James Emerson Tennent
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Error of supposing Ceylon to be a detached fragment of India
III. The Mountain System
Remarkable hills, Mihintala and Sigiri
Little evidence of volcanic action
Rocks, gneiss
Rock temples
Laterite or "Cabook"
Ancient name Tamba-panni (note)
Coral formation
Extraordinary wells
Darwin's theory of coral wells examined (note)
The soil of Ceylon generally poor
"Patenas," their phenomena obscure
Rice lands between the hills
Soil of the plains, "Talawas"
IV. Metals.--Tin
Gold, nickel, cobalt
Quicksilver (note)
V. Minerals.--Anthracite, plumbago, kaolin, nitre caves
List of Ceylon minerals (note)
VI. Gems, ancient fame of
Rose-coloured quartz (note)
Mode of searching for gems
Sapphire, topaz, garnet, and cinnamon stone, cat's-eye, amethyst,
moonstone 37,
Diamond not found in Ceylon (note)
Gem-finders and lapidaries
VII. Rivers.--Their character
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