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The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872, Vol. I by Ralph Waldo Emerson;Thomas Carlyle
page 6 of 319 (01%)
--Politics.--Charles Emerson.

X. Emerson. Concord, 8 April, 1836. Concern at Carlyle's
silence.--American reprint of _Sartor._--Carlyle's projected
visit.--Lecturing in New England.

XI. Carlyle. Chelsea, 29 April, 1836. Weariness over _French
Revolution._--Visit to Scotland.--Charm of London.--Letter from
James Freeman Clarke.--Article on _Sartor_ in _North American
Review._--Quatrain from Voss.

XII. Emerson. Concord, 17 September,1836. Death of Charles
Emerson.--Solicitude concerning Carlyle.--Urgency to him to come
to Concord.--Sends _Nature_ to him.--Reflections.

XIII. Carlyle. Chelsea, 5 November, 1836. Charles Emerson's
death.--Concord.--His own condition.--_French Revolution_ almost
ended.--Character of the book.--Weariness.--London and its
people.--Plans for rest.--John Sterling.--Articles on Mirabeau
and the _Diamond Necklace._--Mill's _London_ Review.--Thanks for
American Teufelsdrockh.--Mrs. Carlyle.--Might and Right, Canst
and Shalt.--Books about Goethe.

XIV. Carlyle. Chelsea, 13 February, 1837. Teufelsdrockh in
America and England.--_Nature._--Miss Martineau on Emerson.
--Mammon.--Completion of _French Revolution._--Scheme of
Lecturing in London.--America fading into the background.

XV. Emerson. Concord, 31 March, 1837. Receipt of the Mirabeau
and Diamond Necklace.--Their substance and style.--Proof-sheet of
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