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A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents - Volume 9, part 1: Benjamin Harrison by Benjamin Harrison
page 40 of 750 (05%)
articles and propositions separately submitted at that election,
including the question of locating the temporary seat of government,
with such changes only as related to the name and boundary of the
proposed State, to the reapportionment of the judicial and legislative
districts, and such amendments as might be necessary in order to comply
with the provisions of the act; and

Whereas it was provided by said act that the constitution formed for
the people of South Dakota should, by an ordinance of the convention
forming the same, be submitted to the people of South Dakota at an
election to be held therein on the first Tuesday in October, 1889, for
ratification or rejection by the qualified voters of said proposed
State, and that the returns of said election should be made to the
secretary of the Territory of Dakota, who, with the governor and chief
justice thereof, or any two of them, should canvass the same, and if
a majority of the legal votes cast should be for the constitution the
governor should certify the result to the President of the United
States, together with a statement of the votes cast thereon and upon
separate articles or propositions, and a copy of said constitution,
articles, propositions, and ordinances; and

Whereas it has been certified to me by the governor of the Territory of
Dakota that at the aforesaid election for delegates the "Sioux Falls
constitution" was submitted to the people of the proposed State of
South Dakota, as provided in the said act; that a majority of all the
votes cast on this question was "For the Sioux Falls constitution,"
and that the said constitution was at the time prescribed in the act
resubmitted to the people of South Dakota, with proper changes and
amendments, and has been adopted and ratified by a majority of the
qualified voters of said proposed State in accordance with the
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