Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (2 of 8) by Raphael Holinshed
page 15 of 36 (41%)
page 15 of 36 (41%)
nephues named Turinus, after he had shewed maruellous proofe of his
manhood. Of him (as some haue written) the foresaid citie of Tours tooke the name, and was called _Turonium_, bicause the said Turinus was there buried. [Sidenote: _Theuet_.] Andrew Theuet affirmeth the contrarie, and mainteineth that one Taurus the nephue of Haniball was the first that inclosed it about with a pale of wood (as the maner of those daies was of fensing their townes) in the [Sidenote: 3374.] yeare of the world 3374. and before the birth of our sauiour 197. But to our matter concerning Brute, who after he had obteined so famous a victorie, albeit there was good cause for him to reioise, yet it sore troubled him to consider that his numbers dailie decaied, and his enimies still increased, and grew stronger: wherevpon resting doubtfull what to [Sidenote: Brute in dout what to doo.] doo, whether to procéed against the Galles, or returne to his ships to séeke the Ile that was appointed him by oracle, at length he chose the surest and best way, as he tooke it, and as it proued. For whilest the greater part of his armie was yet left aliue, and that the victorie remained on his side, he drew to his nauie, and lading his ships with excéeding great store of riches which his people had got abroad in the countrie, he tooke the seas againe. [Sidenote Brute with his remnant of Troians arriue in this ile. _Anno mundi. 2850_. 1116.] After a few daies sailing they landed at the hauen now called Totnesse, the yeare of the world 2850, after the destruction of Troy 66, after the deliuerance of the Israelites from the captiuitie of Babylon 397, almost ended; in the 18 yeare of the reigne of Tineas king of Babylon, |