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Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (2 of 8) by Raphael Holinshed
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sounds both of V and I] (as the author of the booke which Geffrey of
Monmouth translated dooth affirme) was the sonne of Siluius, the sonne of
Ascanius, the sonne of Aeneas the Troian, begotten of his wife Creusa, &
borne in Troie, before the citie was destroied. But as other doo take it,
[Sidenote: _Harding. Alex. Neuil. W. Har._]
the author of that booke (whatsoeuer he was) and such other as follow
him, are deceiued onelie in this point, mistaking the matter, in that
Posthumus the sonne of Aeneas (begotten of his wife Lauinia, and borne
after his fathers deceasse in Italie) was called Ascanius, who had issue
a sonne named Iulius, who (as these other doo coniecture) was the father
of Brute, that noble chieftaine and aduenturous leader of those people,
which being descended (for the more part in the fourth generation)
from those Troians that escaped with life, when that roiall citie was
destroied by the Gréekes, got possession of this woorthie and most famous

To this opinion Giouan Villani a Florentine in his vniuersall historie,
speaking of Aeneas and his ofspring kings in Italie, séemeth to agrée,
where he saith: "Siluius (the sonne of Aeneas by his wife Lauinia) fell
in loue with a néece of his mother Lauinia, and by hir had a sonne, of
whom she died in trauell, and therefore was called Brutus, who after
as he grew in some stature, and hunting in a forrest slue his father
vnwares, and therevpon for feare of his grandfather Siluius Posthumus he
fled the countrie, and with a retinue of such as followed him, passing
through diuers seas, at length he arriued in the Ile of Britaine."

Concerning therefore our Brute, whether his father Iulius was sonne to
Ascanius the sonne of Aeneas by his wife Creusa, or sonne to Posthumus
called also Ascanius, and sonne to Aeneas by his wife Lauinia, we will
not further stand. But this, we find, that when he came to the age of 15.
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