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The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872, Vol II. by Ralph Waldo Emerson;Thomas Carlyle
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Speeches_ finished.--Nature of the book.--New book from Emerson
welcome.--Imperfection of all modes of utterance.--Forbids
further plague with booksellers.

CII. Emerson. Concord, 15 September, 1845. Payment sure from
Carey and Hart.--Lectures on "Representative Men".

CIII. Emerson. Concord, 30 September, 1845. Congratulations on
completion of _Cromwell_ book.--Clark.

CIV. Carlyle. Chelsea, 11 November, 1845. Cromwell book sent.--
Visit to Scotland.--Changes there.--His mother.--Impatience with
the times.--Weariness with the Cromwell book.--Visit to the

CV. Carlyle. Chelsea, 3 January, 1846. Thanks to Mr. Hart, Mr.
Furness, and others.--_Cromwell proves popular.--New letters of

CVI. Carlyle. Chelsea, 3 February, 1846. Second edition of
Cromwell.--Emerson to do what he will concerning republication.--
Anti-Corn-Law.--Aristocracy and Millocracy.

CVII. Carlyle. Chelsea, 3 March, 1846. Cromwell lumber.--Sheets
of new edition sent.-Essay on Emerson in an Edinburgh Magazine.--
Mr. Everett.--Jargon in Newspapers and Parliament.

CVIII. Carlyle. Chelsea, 18 April, 1846. Arrangements
concerning reprint of _Cromwell._--Promise of Daguerrotype
likeness.--Fifty years old.--Rides.--Emerson's voice wholly
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