Mr. Murray's List of New and Recent Publications July, 1890 by John Murray
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page 1 of 63 (01%)
_July_, 1890. MR. MURRAY'S LIST OF New and Recent Publications. * * * * * _SPEECHES DELIVERED IN INDIA_, 1884-8. INCLUDING THAT AT "THE ST. ANDREW'S DINNER." By the MARQUIS OF DUFFERIN AND AVA. _8vo. 9s._ "We earnestly commend the perusal of these speeches to the English reader. They are the best possible antidote for the rashness, ignorance, and folly which are the too common characteristics of amateur criticism of Indian politics. They are, moreover, agreeable reading; for Lord Dufferin, serious and well considered as are his observations, is never dull, and, whenever occasion permits, breaks away into a light-heartedness that reminds us that he is a true Irishman, and that the Sheridan blood flows in his veins. His touch is light; his spirits are gay; his fancy plays at ease. Whenever, for a moment, the senatorial purple is thrown aside, we perceive the courteous, kindly gentleman, sincerely pleased with the world in which he has played so distinguished a part, and the men and women whom his genial disposition and charming manners have bound to himself in the firm allegiance of personal |