Manual of Ship Subsidies by Edwin M. Bacon
page 66 of 134 (49%)
page 66 of 134 (49%)
[Footnote EJ: Parl. papers.] [Footnote EK: Meeker.] [Footnote EL: U.S. Con. Rept., no. 82, 1910, p. 106.] [Footnote EM: Meeker.] [Footnote EN: Lloyd's Register, 1910-11.] [Footnote EO: Report of (U.S.) commissioner of navigation for 1909.] [Footnote EP: Lloyd's Register, 1910-11.] CHAPTER X RUSSIA In Russia steamship lines were early subsidized with mileage bounties, besides receiving postal subventions; and later the Government adopted the policy of returning the Suez Canal tolls to the subsidized lines. The mileage subsidies are direct bounties avowedly for the encouragement of Russian navigation, and are very large.[EQ] In 1898 a Government commission, appointed to consider and report upon |