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Mardi: and A Voyage Thither, Vol. I (of 2) by Herman Melville
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1. Foot in Stirrup
2. A Calm
3. A King for a Comrade
4. A Chat in the Clouds
5. Seats secured and Portmanteaus packed
6. Eight Bells
7. A Pause
8. They push off, Velis et Bemis
9. The Watery World is all before Them
10. They arrange their Canopies and Lounges, and try to make Things
11. Jarl afflicted with the Lockjaw
12. More about being in an open Boat
13. Of the Chondropterygii, and other uncouth Hordes infesting the
South Seas
14. Jarl's Misgivings
15. A Stitch in time saves Nine
16. They are Becalmed
17. In high Spirits they push on for the Terra Incognita
18. My Lord Shark and his Pages
19. Who goes there?
20. Noises and Portents
21. Man ho!
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