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Mardi: and A Voyage Thither, Vol. I (of 2) by Herman Melville
page 4 of 382 (01%)
51. The Dream begins to fade
52. World ho!
53. The Chamois Ashore
54. A Gentleman from the Sun
55. Tiffin in a Temple
56. King Media a Host
57. Taji takes Counsel with himself
58. Mardi by Night and Yillah by Day
59. Their Morning Meal
60. Belshazzar on the Bench
61. An Incognito
62. Taji retires from the World
63. Odo and its Lord
64. Yillah a Phantom
65. Taji makes three Acquaintances
66. With a fair Wind at Sunrise they sail
67. Little King Peepi
68. How Teeth were regarded in Valapee
69. The Company discourse, and Braid-Beard rehearses a Legend
70. The Minstrel leads of with a Paddle-Song; and a Message is received
from Abroad
71. They land upon the Island of Juam
72. A Book from the Chronicles of Mohi
73. Something more of the Prince
74. Advancing deeper into the Vale, they encounter Donjalolo
75. Time and Temples
76. A pleasant Place for a Lounge
77. The House of the Afternoon
78. Babbalanja solus
79. The Center of many Circumferences
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