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Mardi: and A Voyage Thither, Vol. II (of 2) by Herman Melville
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8. They meet the Pilgrims at the Temple of Oro
9. They discourse of Alma
10. Mohi tells of one Ravoo, and they land to visit Hevaneva,
a flourishing Artisan
11. A Nursery-tale of Babbalanja's
12. Landing to visit Hivohitee the Pontiff; they encounter an
extraordinary old Hermit; with whom Yoomy has a confidential
Interview, but learns little
13. Babbalanja endeavors to explain the Mystery
14. Taji receives Tidings and Omens
15. Dreams
16. Media and Babbalanja discourse
17. They regale themselves with their Pipes
18. They visit an extraordinary old Antiquary
19. They go down into the Catacombs
20. Babbalanja quotes from an antique Pagan; and earnestly presses it
upon the Company, that what he recites is not his but another's
21. They visit a wealthy old Pauper
22. Yoomy sings some odd Verses, and Babbalanja quotes from the old
Authors right and left
23. What manner of Men the Tapparians were
24. Their adventures upon landing at Pimminee
25. A, I, and O
26. A Reception-day at Pimminee
27. Babbalanja falleth upon Pimminee Tooth and Nail
28. Babbalanja regales the Company with some Sandwiches
29. They still remain upon the Rock
30. Behind and Before
31. Babbalanja discourses in the Dark
32. My Lord Media summons Mohi to the Stand
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