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Notes and Queries, Number 39, July 27, 1850 by Various
page 31 of 66 (46%)
_whose picture was at Whitehall_; and a bas-relief of him, with
Jeffry Hudson the dwarf, was fixed in the front of a house near
the end of a bagnio court, Newgate-street, probably as a sign."

Plot, in his _Natural History of Staffordshire_, gives some instances of
the great strength of Parsons.

I shall feel much obliged if you or your readers will inform me, 1.
Whether there is any mention of Parsons in contemporary, or other works?
2. Whether the portrait is in existence? if so, where? Has it been



_Unicorn in the Royal Arms._--When and why was the fabulous animal
called the unicorn first used as a supporter for the royal arms of


_The Frog and the Crow of Ennow._--I should be glad to get an answer to
the following Query from some one of your readers:--I remember some few
old lines of a song I used to hear sung many years ago, and wish to
learn anything as regards its date, authorship,--indeed, any
particulars, and where I shall be likely to find it at length. What I
remember is,--
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