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Wulfric the Weapon Thane by Charles W. (Charles Watts) Whistler
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The two local legends of the "king's oak" in Hoxne woods, and of
the "gold bridge", may fill in what is required to complete the

The former, identifying a certain aged oak as that to which the
king was bound, has been in a measure corroborated by the discovery
in 1848 of what may well have been a rough arrow point in its
fallen trunk; while the fact that, until the erection of the new
bridge at Hoxne in 1823, no newly-married couple would cross the
"gold bridge" on the way to church, for the reasons given in the
story, seems to show that the king's hiding place may indeed have
been beneath it as the legend states. If so, the flight from
Thetford must have been most precipitate, and closely followed.

There are two versions of the story of Lodbrok the Dane and Beorn
the falconer. That which is given here is from Roger of Wendover.
But in both versions the treachery of one Beorn is alleged to have
been the cause of the descent of Ingvar and Hubba on East Anglia.

These chiefs and their brother Halfden, and Guthrum, are of course
historic. Their campaign in England is hard to trace through the
many conflicting chronicles, but the broad outlines given by the
almost contemporary Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, supplemented with a few
incidents recorded in the Heimskringla of Sturleson as to the first
raid on Northumbria by Ingvar, are sufficient for the purposes of a
story that deals almost entirely with East Anglia.

The legend of the finding of the head of the martyred king is given
in the homily for November 20 of the Anglo-Saxon Sarum Breviary,
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