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Story of Chester Lawrence by Nephi Anderson
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PINEY RIDGE COTTAGE, the love story of a "Mormon" country girl.

A YOUNG FOLKS' HISTORY OF THE CHURCH. The story of the "Mormon" Church
is told in simple, interesting chapters.

_All bound in beautiful cloth, with gold titles_,
Price, 75 cents each.

Salt Lake City, Utah.

Story of Chester Lawrence.


It was raining when the ship was ready to sail; yet on the pier a large
crowd of people stood under dripping umbrellas, waving and shouting
farewells to their friends on board. The departing passengers, most of
them protected by an upper deck, pressed four deep against the rail, and
waved and shouted in return.

The belated passenger, struggling with heavy hand baggage, scrambled up
the gang-plank. The last visitors were hustled ashore; amid noise and
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