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Overland through Asia; Pictures of Siberian, Chinese, and Tartar - Life by Thomas Wallace Knox
page 17 of 658 (02%)
difficult ferry--A Russian posting carriage--Good substitute for a
trunk--"Road Agent" in Siberia--Rights of travelers--Kissing goes by
favor--Captain John Franklin's equipage--Value of a ball--Stuck in the
mud--The valley of the Nertcha--Reaching Nerchinsk


An extensive house--A Russian gold miner--Stories of the
exiles--Polish exiles--"The unfortunates"--The treatment of
prisoners--Attempts to escape--Buying a tarantass--Light marching
order--A bad road--Sleeping on a stove--The valley of the Ingodah--Two
hours in a mud hole--Recklessness of drivers--Arrival at Chetah


Location of Chetah--Prisoners in chains--Ingenuity of the
exiles--Learning Hail Columbia in two hours--A governor's mansion--A
hunting party--Siberian rabbits--Difficulties of matrimony--Religion
in Siberia--An artillery review--Champagne and farewells--Crossing a
frozen stream--Inconvenience of traveling with a dog--Crossing the
Yablonoi Mountains--Approaching the Arctic Ocean


A cold night--Traveling among the Mongols--The Bouriats and their
dwellings--An unpleasant fire--The Bhuddist religion--Conversions
among the natives--An easy way of catching sheep--A Mongol bell--A
Mongol belle--A late hour and a big dog--Bullocks under saddle--An
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