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The Jericho Road by W. Bion Adkins
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"I have lived much that I have not written, but I have written nothing
that I have not lived, and the story of this book is but a plaintive
refrain wrung from the over-burdened song of my life; while the tides
of feeling, winding down the lines, had their sources in as many broken
upheavals of my own heart." A book, like an implement, must be judged
by its adaptation to its special design, however unfit for any other
end. This volume is designed to help Odd-Fellows in their search for
the good things in life. There is need of something to break the spell
of indifference that oftentimes binds us, and to open glimpses of
better, sweeter, grander possibilities. Hence this volume, which is a
plea for that great fortune of man--his own nature. Bulwer says:
"Strive while improving your one talent to enrich your whole capital as
a man." The present work is designed to aid in securing the result thus
recommended. We send it forth, trusting that it will find its way into
the hands of every Odd-Fellow and every Odd-Fellow's friend and
neighbor, and that those who read it will gather from its pages lessons
which shall enable them to pluck thorns from their pathway and scatter
flowers instead.


October 1, 1899.

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