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The National Preacher, Vol. 2 No. 7 Dec. 1827 - Or Original Monthly Sermons from Living Ministers, Sermons XXVI. and - XXVII. by Elihu W. Baldwin;Aaron W. Leland
page 21 of 42 (50%)
bitterness and under the bond of iniquity_--_dead in trespasses and
sins_--_treasuring up wrath against the day of wrath_. Nothing short of
utter blindness of mind can be insensible to the glory of the
Gospel--nothing but entire depravity of heart can render its doctrines
offensive--and nothing but the most obdurate impenitency can resist the
melting influence of a Saviour's dying love. It is utterly impossible,
that a scornful neglect or disregard of the preaching of the cross
should exist, without fearful guilt and imminent danger. All those,
among the hearers of the gospel, who will finally be children of wrath,
are now characterized by such guilt. And all the lost spirits in the
world of wo, who once enjoyed the offers of mercy, cherished the same
fatal feelings towards the plan of redemption. It was _foolishness_ to
them. Many, even in this land of light, seem to be ripening for the same
tremendous doom. Whether in the ranks of open opposition, or under the
false colours of pretended regard, the deadly symptom is upon them--a
settled disgust and aversion to the _preaching of the cross._

Say not, 'It is no matter what a man believes, provided he is sincere.'
God has settled this question.--"_Because they received not the love of
the truth_, _that they might be saved_; _God shall send them strong
delusion, that they should believe a lie_; _that they all might be
damned, who believed not the truth_, _but had pleasure in
unrighteousness_." Is there not then, appalling evidence, that those,
who hold such preaching in contempt, occupy very perilous ground, and
exhibit fearful tokens of the divine abandonment? And especially might
not the angels in heaven tremble for those, who have enjoyed great light
and privileges--have witnessed rich displays of divine grace--and have
once felt a deep solicitude for their own souls--but who now despise and
hate those truths, and that cause, which they were once _almost
persuaded_ to embrace?
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