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The National Preacher, Vol. 2 No. 7 Dec. 1827 - Or Original Monthly Sermons from Living Ministers, Sermons XXVI. and - XXVII. by Elihu W. Baldwin;Aaron W. Leland
page 26 of 42 (61%)
humility, and especially to beware of contradicting what is revealed.
The objects which Jehovah will accomplish by the universal judgment, are
unquestionably vast and momentous, beyond all conception. Yet some of
them are obvious to reason, or are plainly revealed.

Every person has experienced inconvenience and perplexity from the
circumstance, that the real characters of men, in the present life, are
but partially disclosed. Much the larger portion of human actions pass
unobserved by the world; or the motives which prompt them are concealed.
One design of the judgment, then, is to uncover these hidden springs,
and lay open every dark retreat of human conduct. We are told, "there is
nothing hid which shall not be revealed;" that "God shall bring every
work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good or
whether it be evil;" that he "will both bring to light the hidden things
of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels the heart."

Another design of the judgment, is publicly to assign to men their
proper deserts. This, we have before suggested, is not done on the
earth. "All things here come alike to all." "There is one event to the
righteous and to the wicked." But the future judgment is characterized,
as the day of "revelation of the righteous judgment of God;" "in the
which he will judge the world in righteousness;" and will "render to
every man according to his deeds." The mystery involved in the
prosperity of the wicked, and in the unequal allotments, which have here
marked the dispensations of Providence, will then cease for ever; and it
will then be seen and felt, that every one is treated according to the
strictest principles of wisdom and justice.

Another special design of the judgment, is to manifest and gloriously
exalt the perfections of Jehovah. Revelation has indeed proclaimed his
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