The National Preacher, Vol. 2 No. 7 Dec. 1827 - Or Original Monthly Sermons from Living Ministers, Sermons XXVI. and - XXVII. by Elihu W. Baldwin;Aaron W. Leland
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important, that those who watch for the life of souls, should preserve
similar records. It would seem as though, from the daily intercourse of several thousand Clergymen, such materials, of the character contemplated, might be furnished, as, if well condensed and judiciously arranged in an elegant Periodical, would not fail to be read with intense and general interest. And who can tell, but that God, who is rich in wisdom, may thus employ the simplest means for collecting, condensing, and reflecting rays of sacred truth, in the form of practical results, which may carry conviction and saving instruction to uncounted millions--not merely in our own land, but in more populous countries, where the importance of experimental religion is not appreciated? But, for rendering such a work pre-eminently useful, or even commencing it, there must be union of effort. As it is intended to consist wholly of original matter, and that of a specific character, such as no genius can originate, it is obvious that it cannot be commenced, without being furnished with numerous pledges of supplies. And it will be important to have a considerable number of communications on hand, at the commencement, as well as afterwards, that due regard may be had to order in the arrangement of subjects, and an interesting variety be presented in every Number. It will not be necessary to publish the names of writers, nor of individuals alluded to in communications; though in many cases it may be desirable and expedient. But, in every case, the name of the writer, or some respectable reference for attesting the accuracy of statements, must be furnished to the Editor; as he must be responsible to the public for the correctness of whatever may appear in the work. He will moreover think it his duty to present Contributors a generous compensation. |