The National Preacher, Vol. 2 No. 7 Dec. 1827 - Or Original Monthly Sermons from Living Ministers, Sermons XXVI. and - XXVII. by Elihu W. Baldwin;Aaron W. Leland
page 37 of 42 (88%)
page 37 of 42 (88%)
Meadville, B. Andrews, P.M.
Pittsburgh, Robert Patterson Harrisburgh, William Graydon. Braintrim, H.W. Northup. Wilkesbarre, O. Collins. Bethany, Jason Torrey. Alexandria, John Porter, P.M. DELAWARE. Wilmington, Robert Porter. MARYLAND. Baltimore, John H. Naff. Princess Anne, Joshua Moore. Chestertown, Joseph Redue. P.M. Vienna, Uriah Medford, P.M. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Washington, Reuben Post. Alexandria, Reuel Keith. VIRGINIA. Richmond, Nathaniel Charter. Petersburg, James Dwight. Norfolk, Shepard K. Kollock. Weston, G.D. Camden, P.M. Romney, John Jack, P.M. Ebenezer Academy, H. Clary, P.M. Cartonville, George W. Hundly. Powhatan C.H., Thomas Scott. P.M. |