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Triple Spies by Roy J. Snell
page 19 of 169 (11%)
Johnny's heart by impressing her post office stamp on that bill before
she paid it to some Eskimo, perhaps she would not have stamped it, and
then again, perhaps she would.

A sudden jolt as they rumbled on to a sidetrack awoke the sergeant, who
seemed disposed to resume the conversation where he had left off.

"S'pose it's mighty dangerous tradin' on this side?"

"Uh-huh," Johnny grunted.

"S'pose it's a long way back to God's country this way?"


"Lot of the boys mighty sick of soldiering over here. Lot of 'em 'ud try
it back to God's country 'f 'twasn't so far."

"Would, huh?" Johnny yawned.

"Ye-ah, and then the officers are mighty hard on the ones they
ketch--ketch desertin', I mean--officers are; when they ketch 'em, an'
they mostly do."

"Do what?" Johnny tried to yawn again.

"Ketch 'em! They're fierce at that."

There was a knowing grin on the sergeant's face, but no wink followed.
Johnny waited anxiously for the wink.
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